Secrets of Mighty Squeeze

Piccolo’s Mighty Squeeze blends

Developed by Piccolo’s in-house nutritional therapist Alice, the pouches are a delicious & balanced mix of 100% organic super ingredients: filled with dark green leafy vegetables, creamy avocado, whole grains, vibrant vitamin-packed fruit such as pomegranate & acerola cherries, and super ingredients such as turmeric and coconut.

Where to buy

Find our Mighty Squeeze pouches in Ocado and Planet Organic stores.

Extra wow ingredients (in Mighty Squeeze pouches)

Pomegranate: The pomegranate fruit has been used for thousands of years for its health benefits. Vitamin-rich pomegranate juice contains higher levels of antioxidants than most other fruit juices, it also has three times more antioxidants than green tea OR red wine 🙂

Pomegranates are eaten in winter and are thought to increase luck and prosperity in parts of the Mediterranean.

There are a few ways to remove the seeds from the pith of pomegranates. My favourite way is either to rip open over a bowl, or cut in half and smack with a rolling pin over a bowl to split further, then just peel the seeds from the pith.

Acerola cherries: These little red cherries provide more vitamin C than all other foods.

They ferment quickly and become unusable within 3 to 5 days, which is why you won’t find them on your supermarket shelves, because as soon as they are picked in our farms, we turn them into a vitamin-packed juice.

Turmeric: Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow colour and has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb. The compounds in turmeric are called curcuminoids, with curcumin being the most active with anti-inflammatory effects.  It is thought to be better absorbed with fat, so why not add a dash of dried turmeric when frying off vegetables in a little fat, or add with a little coconut oil if making a mild curry for your baby.

Avocado: this unique fruit contains mostly fat rather than carbohydrate – but it is the good monounsaturated fats they contain, which are so good for developing babies, who need a good fat in their diet. Packed with over 20 minerals and vitamins, this fruit is a great part of anyone’s diet.

Grain spotlight: quinoa

The secret seed that the Incas started growing more than 5000 years ago, quinoa is rich in protein and fibre. It also contains magnesium, vitamins and amino acids. Quinoa is gluten-free, high in protein and one of the few plant foods that contain all nine essential amino acids, the seed is high in beneficial antioxidants and minerals.

Great in so many dishes, why not mix up your morning routine by making a bowl of quinoa porridge? Cook the grains in water or a plant milk for 10-15 minutes with a sprinkle of cinnamon and stewed fruit or frozen berries.