3 ways to prepare tomatoes for weaning
Commonly misunderstood as vegetables, tomatoes are a great first fruit for your tiny highchair-chompers. Let’s see why:
💥 Gut buster: tomatoes help diversify their gut microbiome
👁️ Sight boosters: help preserve eye health
🫶 Immune supporters: the Vitamin C in these little guys pack a serious punch for a strong immune system.
1 Portions
10 mins
prep time -
1 mins
Cook time -
- Tomatoes
- 1. Large wedges - best for 6-8+ months
- 2. Quartered cherry tomatoes - best for 9-18+ months
- 3. Whole cherry tomatoes - best for 24+ months
- (Remember every baby and weaning journey is different so these age suggestions are just rough guidelines)